Those familiar with the bible have heard of Canaan. It had been known best as the land of milk and honey. What do honey and milk have in common? Both these components in their purest countries are unpasteurized. Pasteurization was named in 1862, and has been realized as a means to kill germs that quicken spoiling of consumable goods. This is achieved by heat treating the edibles. Nearly all goods found in the industry today are pasteurized in order to extend their shelf life.

Unfortunately, this procedure can also cause the disturbance of nutrients which are found in the natural byproduct of these critters. For years we have been stripping these nutrients in an attempt to decrease spoilage and potential disease contamination, but most recently an attempt was made to return to goods within a more natural condition to be able to reap their full benefits.

Some foods are clearly labeled as pasteurized, while some might need closer inspection of the label to ascertain what they are. One of these foods which require extra consideration is honey.

There’s a lot of work done by the bees in the production of honey. To start, the worker bees will fly out up to four miles from the hive in search of some local nectar to buy raw honey online. After the bee finds a flower, she will initially consume nectar for her own nourishment, and will then consume extra nectar into an additional honey stomach.

Raw honey

Upon returning to the hive, the Contents of the worker bee’s secondary gut is removed or sucked out by a house bee. The house bee chemically breaks down the polysaccharides of the nectar into simpler sugars. This creates the nectar more readily digestible and leads to honey that is spread across the honeycombs.

The bees have processed this Sugar in a way to make it less vulnerable to bacteria inside the hive also. The bees will go one step further in their preservation procedure by fanning the honey with their wings to reduce its moisture content which makes it less susceptible to germs. Honey is then sealed with protective beeswax and retained until it is ready for consumption.

In this still pure state, the Honey is full of antioxidants, antioxidants, and is a remarkable energy source. It is fairly normal for honey makers to pasteurize the honey that is collected in an attempt to destroy bacteria and protect against fermentation by hidden yeasts. This is done to help increase the shelf life of the candy syrup, but as a side effect it eliminates additional nutrients which are beneficial to people.

How do you understand the Problem Of the honey you have purchased? Unprocessed honeys will be tagged at 100% raw. You may get a fairly long shelf life with raw honey as long as you keep it stored under ideal conditions. The bees have worked hard Already to offer a product that is quite valuable in its pristine state. Next time you go searching for honey; have a fantastic look at the tag. You can enjoy all it has to offer when you are able to find honey.